电器与能效管理技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 53-60.doi: 10.16628/j.cnki.2095-8188.2024.05.007

• 电气设计与探讨 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈昌足, 周超, 金平平   

  1. 上海西门子线路保护系统有限公司, 上海 201600
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-13 出版日期:2024-05-30 发布日期:2024-06-25
  • 作者简介:陈昌足(1983—),男,工程师,主要从事高低压开关的设计与研究。|周 超(1981—),男,工程师,主要从事低压开关的设计与研究。|金平平(1983—),女,工程师,主要从事低压开关的设计与研究。

Effect and Optimization on Short-Circuit Breaking Performance for MCB Shell Modification from Thermosetting to Thermoplastic

CHEN Changzu, ZHOU Chao, JIN Pingping   

  1. Shanghai Siemens Circuit Protection System Co.,Ltd., Shanghai 201600, China
  • Received:2023-11-13 Online:2024-05-30 Published:2024-06-25



关键词: 小型断路器, 热固, 热塑, 分断性能, 燃弧时间, 燃弧能量, 燃弧阶段


Aiming to study the influence of shell material characteristics (such as mechanical strength,high-temperature arc resistance,gas production and dielectric recovery strength) and shell structure on short-circuit breaking ability,based on the design of the miniature circuit breaker (MCB) shell material modifying from a thermosetting bulk molding compound (BMC) to a thermoplastic PA6 and the characteristics of a PA6 material,the shell structure is optimized.The short-circuit breaking test is carried out through the combination of different shell material and structure,then the testing data is obtained.Based on the test data and the disassembly information after testing,the relationship of the distribution and stability of arc time and energy in each stage of short-circuit breaking with the shell material and structure is studied by dividing the arc stages,the structure of a PA6 shell MCB is optimized.Finally,the short-circuit breaking test is passed.The experimental results show that the structure optimization of the thermoplastic modification is reasonable,which indicates that the analysis method of short-circuit breaking test is effective and has certain reference significance for the design and analysis of similar products.

Key words: miniature circuit breaker (MCB), thermosetting, thermoplastic, breaking performance, arc time, arc energy, arc stage
